How to navigate in xplr

Arrow keys:

up: move the cursor up
down: move the cursor down
right: Enter into directory
left: Leave directory

For vimmers, h, j, k, l are mapped to the arrow keys as you'd expect from any vim inspired program.


Press / and then type any regular expression to search files and folders in the current working directory.
While in search mode, you can use up or ctrl-p to move the cursor up, and down or ctrl-n to move the cursor down. Use left, right keys to enter into or leave directories without leaving the mode.
When you are done, press enter to leave the search mode.
Alternatively, install fzf.xplr if you are a fzf user. Or install zoxide.xplr to be able to jump between your most visited directories using zoxide.

UPDATE: Since v0.19.4 xplr search defaults to fuzzy search (plain text/characters), but you can still use regex-search.xplr plugin to utilise regex based search.

Jump to top and bottom

Type g g to jump to the top and G to jump to the bottom.

Jump to index

Type any number (let's say n) and then,
- press enter to jump to a certain index.
- press up or k to jump n lines above the cursor.
- press down or j to jump n lines below the cursor.

Jump back and forth history

Press ctrl-o to jump to the previous jump location, and ctrl-i to jump to the next jump location.

Follow symlink

Type g f to follow symlinks into their actual path.

Go to path (since v0.9.0)

Press g p and type or paste a path to go into that path (if directory) or focus on it.

Jump back and forth deepest visited branches (since v0.21.5)

Press ( or ) to jump back of forward the deepest branches from your visit history.

For more navigation options, check out the help menu by pressing ?, or visit awesome plugins, or learn how to configure key bindings, so that you can hack your own custom navigation system.

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